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Disciple a Child Today!

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David C Cook (EIN 36-6008100) has been classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law. Notwithstanding a donor’s recommendation, gifts exceeding the budget needs of any specific purpose or program may be used to fund other David C Cook programs at its discretion.

Disciple a Child for Just $1

Please give a generous gift today to disciple a child living in a difficult, impoverished place and help her grow in her faith.

In Cuba, for example, families are living on as little as $1 a day—maybe $5 or $10 on a good day. Food, water, fuel, and medicine are extremely hard to come by. In addition to the physical challenges families face in Cuba, there are spiritual threats as well.

Amidst these hardships,
you can be a beacon of hope, shining the light of God’s love and spreading his Word through your generous gift today.

On average,
it costs just $1 to disciple a child through David C Cook’s Life on Life (Vida por Vida) curriculum.

When you give,
100% of your donation goes towards putting discipleship tools like Life on Life in the hands of children’s ministry leaders who need them most.

Every dollar you give today will reach and disciple one child—that’s the impact a dollar can have on the life of a child!

How many children will you introduce to Jesus and help them thrive in their faith for just $1 each?

Change a Child's Life, Like Prisha's, for just $1
In a village in a part of India, where believers are at risk of persecution and even personal harm, 14-year-old Prisha is learning to trust God through all the challenges of life in this part of the world. She learned this important faith lesson in a Life on Life class at her small local church.

“Recently we’ve been learning about Joshua and the responsibility he had after Moses died. He had great responsibilities, and with that he also was afraid and scared somewhere deep down. The thing I learned was even when there are problems, you have to believe on God and hold on to God, because there might be problems, but God is bigger than your problems.” – Prisha

100% of your donation goes towards programs like Life on Life that 
help children grow in their faith and teaches them that God cares about every area of their lives.

David C Cook's Mission

To equip the Church with Christ-centered resources for making and teaching disciples who obediently transform todays generations

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By submitting your information, you authorize us to charge your credit card or debit your bank account for the amount specified and to add your contact information to our mailing and email lists to receive regular updates. We will process your personal data in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which also contains details as to how you may unsubscribe from our updates. Your gift will be used where designated unless the project is funded to its annual target, in which case we will use your gift where most needed.