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Deliver the Story of Jesus Today!

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David C Cook (EIN 36-6008100) has been classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts are deductible to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law. Notwithstanding a donor’s recommendation, gifts exceeding the budget needs of any specific purpose or program may be used to fund other David C Cook programs at its discretion.

Introduce a Child to Jesus for Just 25¢!

It’s a simple little booklet that has the power to change a child’s life.

You can give The Story of Jesus Christ – the greatest story ever told –
to a child for just 25¢!

Your gift today of $10 will bring the Gospel to 40 children; $25 means 100 children will receive The Story of Jesus, and $50 delivers 200 booklets to children living in challenging places, like Nigeria and Kenya.

How many children will you share the Gospel with, offering them the simple path to peace with God and eternal life?

Please pray and give generously today.

Young Eliud was feeling desperate before he received The Story of Jesus from a friend. In fact, sadly…

“I just wanted to end my life,” he said. “My friends at school mock me because of my disability. I can find no peace anywhere, not even at home. But then a leader came and shared The Story of Jesus with me. I was very surprised to hear that Jesus loves me. Even me! From then on, I decided I needed to live for Him.”

That’s the power of the Gospel for a child who needs Jesus. Please give and introduce a child like Eliud to the One who loves him and welcomes him with open arms.

100% of your donation goes towards programs that deliver The Story of Jesus and share the Gospel with Children.

David C Cook's Mission

To equip the Church with Christ-centered resources for making and teaching disciples who obediently transform todays generations

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By submitting your information, you authorize us to charge your credit card or debit your bank account for the amount specified and to add your contact information to our mailing and email lists to receive regular updates. We will process your personal data in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which also contains details as to how you may unsubscribe from our updates. Your gift will be used where designated unless the project is funded to its annual target, in which case we will use your gift where most needed.